Christian Homeschoolers of Northern Michigan




How much does membership cost and what is included with my membership dues?


CHNM  membership is $60 per family per year. A membership year is from July 1-June 30. Your dues entitle you to the following benefits and activities:

  • Website Access
  • Archery Team (4th-12th grades)
  • Yearbook (one free copy per year)
  • Teen Club
  • Tween Club
  • Science Fair
  • Christmas Program
  • Spring Performance Night
  • Family Potlucks/Picnics
  • Parent Support Activities (Mom's Night Out, High School planning, etc.)
  • Any other CHNM-sponsored activities


Who can join?


CHNM is open to any Christian homeschool family in Northern Michigan. Members must sign our statement of faith and our polices, and all membership requests are reviewed and approved by our board.


How do I join?


Request membership here. Please review our statement of faith and policies on the membership application carefully so you are familiar with our expectations. You can also review this information here. Before approving your application, our board would like to meet you. Please plan to attend the next board meeting after you submit your application. The board meets the third Monday of the month. Time and location for the meeting are included in the confirmation email you will receive when you submit your application.


Where do you meet?


Most of our activites meet in or near Gaylord. Our co-op classes meet in Gaylord.


Gaylord is too far away for me. Do you know of any groups in my area?


Here are a few links that list other groups in Northern Michigan. You might also try asking at your local library, churches or community center.


I have more questions. Who can I ask?


Please contact us at [email protected]. We would be happy to help!

Co-op Classes


Is class day included in my dues? 


No. Class day is an additional $120/year, per family. To join the co-op classes, you must be a CHNM member family and this fee must be paid before you can register for classes.


What classes do you offer?


We offer a variety of academic and enrichment classes. 


When/how can I register for classes?


Before you can register for classes, you must be a member of our group. You must also agree to our class day policies. You can view those here and on our application. Registration for classes opens in the spring/early summer as room is available for new families. Current members are offered an earlier time to register. Our class day meets on Wednesdays from September through April, with a holiday/semester break in December and January.

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 academic year will begin in May 2025 and closes on July 31, 2025.


How old do children have to be to participate in classes?


We have classes for students from Kindergarten-12th grade. We also offer PreK and Nursery programs for younger siblings.


Can I visit before I sign up for co-op classes?


Absolutely! Please contact us at [email protected] to make arrangements. We need to know what children would visit, ages/grades, and which classes they would like to visit. The current class schedule is here.


Can I drop my children off for classes?


No. We are a parent-run co-op, so parents must remain at class day with their children and volunteer to teach and/or help with classes or the nursery each hour. Preferences are considered and assigned whenever possible. Generally new families are classroom helpers for the first year and would include duties like taking attendance, helping younger students with crafts, or grade keeping for high school classes.

Sports and Extracurriculars


Do you offer any sports?


We have an archery team available to students in 4th grade and up using the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP). Many of our students participate in community sports such as soccer, basketball, swim teams, dance, gymnastics, cheerleading, North Trails Cross Country and Little League.


What extracurricular activities do you offer?


We offer the Teen and Tween clubs. Activities are planned once a month. Many of our students also participate in community groups such as Purity Ring, Teens for Life and Gaylord Community Theater.